Call for papers


ISSN: 2789-6935 (Online),  2789-6927(Print)

Volume–5, Issue–1


Date: 1 Feb 2024

It is our immense pleasure to announce that BAIUST Academic Journal (BAJ), a multidisciplinary journal of Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology (BAIUST), Cumilla, is going to publish its Volume–5, Issue-1. The journal publishes quality research in Science, Engineering, Business, English, Law, and related fields. BAJ invites researchers to submit their original and extended research for publication in printed and online versions.

We aim to create a platform for those who like to enrich their knowledge and contribute to society through research. As we are committed to maintaining quality, all submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous editorial screening and peer review. Reviewers are selected from different universities in Bangladesh and abroad based on their excellence in respective fields.

Authors must follow the ‘Guidelines for Authors’ published on the BAJ website ( Please submit your paper to 

For details, please visit

The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 31 March 2024.

BAIUST Academic Journal (BAJ), BAIUST, Cumilla