Md.Samin Rahman1, AsifAhammad Miazee1, Md. Mamun Ahmed1, Md.Aktarujjaman1
Keywords: Object recognition, SSD, MobileNet
Abstract: In the field of artificial intelligence, one of the challenging tasks is detecting real-time objects because it needs faster computation power to recognize the content at that moment. Here, a novel object recognition approach is proposed, which combines Single Shot Multi-Box Detection (SSD) with a lightweight network model known as MobileNet. SSD speeds up the classification of sub-windows by formulating the problem as a sequential decision process. Additionally, MobileNet provides better multi-scale handling to detect objects of all sizes without rescaling the input image. This speed-up builds upon the scale invariance property of image statistics in natural images that offers a powerful relationship for approximating feature responses of adjacent scales. Experimental results showed that this combination of MobileNet with the SSD template, which is the proposed novelty of the research, improves the level of validity when recognizing real-time household objects.
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