A Fast-trained Stacked Convolutional Neural Network for Effectively Recognizing Carcinogenic Polyp –Mamun Ahmed, Shovan Bhowmik, Md. Imrul Kayes, Rashida Feroz Prome and Maria Noor
A Secured Blockchain Based Integrated Framework for National Identity and Passport- Mohammad Robaitul Islam Bhuiyan, Tahmida Wara and Simu Sultana
Decentralized Finance and Crypto Banking System Using Ethereum-based Blockchain Technology –Mamun Ahmed, Saha Reno, Salma Akter and A. K. M. Abu Nowshad Chowdhury
Investigation of Different Optical Properties of Single Material Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fiber –Md. Jahid Hasan, Shah Md. Salimullah and Ajmain Ar Rafi
A Low Cost and Environment-friendly Electric Vehicle Prototype Model Designed using HREVS Method to Abate Fuel Dependency –Md. Nahidul Alam, Moin Uddin Siddique, H. R. M. Nazmus Sakib, Imtiaz
Hossain and Iftekher Alam Rahat
Application of Locally Available Bamboo as a Low Cost Reinforcing Material in Concrete –Md Shariful Islam, Iftekhar Alam Dipta and H M Golam Samdani
Investigating the Factors Influencing Consumers Shopping Online in Bangladesh: A Post COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis –Farhana Jesmin, Mohammad Faruk, Md Atiqur Rahman, and Sakif Alavi
Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Academicians: An Empirical Evidence from Private Universities in Bangladesh –Rebaka Sultana
The Dark Shadow of COVID–19 on Tourism Industry in Bangladesh –Amrita Nandy, Soman Chakraborty and Md. Sahidur Rahman
Charlotte Mew and the Repressed Self: A Study from the Feminist Point of View –Mohammad Shahidul Islam Chowdhury
Use of Disguise to Reveal Truth in Selected Plays of William Shakespeare –Salma Parvin Suma
Teaching Literature Online during Pandemic: An Investigation of the Current Scenarios of Selected Private Universities in Bangladesh –Md. Hasibul Islam, Md. Touhidul Islam and Sanjida Afrin
Investigating the Factors Impeding Tertiary Students’ English Writing Skills –Nafisa Sultana
Using Poems in English Language Classrooms: A Suggestive Model –Shah Zobair Hossain
Judging the Judges: Limiting the Judges’ Freedom of Expression and Extra-Judicial Speech –Shakhawat Hossain
Legal and Political Analysis of Proceedings Conducted in Recent ICC Situations Relating to Crimes against Humanity –Abu Shofiun Mohammad Taj Uddin and Najia Ferdous
The Rights of Hijras (Transgender) in Bangladesh: Quest for a Systematic Socio-cultural Protection –Md. Reduanul Haque